The stiff-legged barbell deadlift is a challenging workout that will help tighten and build your hamstrings. Pulling the barbell up as you keep your legs straight will help focus the pressure on your targeted muscle group. This exercise is best done with the right set of weights that are moderately heavy, as using heavier weights will cause injury to your lower back. If you are having a hard time holding the barbell, a wrist strap will aid you in carrying the equipment so that it would not slip. Do not attempt to perform this exercise even with a light set of weights in the presence of a back injury because you will be using your back to raise and lower the barbell.
Stand up holding the barbell with a medium grip with your hands in a pronated position. See to it your head, neck, and back are in straight alignment while you keep your core muscles tight. Tightening your core muscles will help prevent you from rolling your back, and will also aid in stabilizing your spine to prevent injury. Keep this for your starting position.
Inhale as you lower the barbell until it reaches the top of your feet. Do so by bending at the waist with your legs straight and stationary. You should feel your hamstrings stretch as you lower the barbell. If you cannot reach up to the top of your feet, stop once you start to feel discomfort. Exhale as you go back to starting position by extending your hips, maintaining the contraction of your core muscles to prevent injuring your spine.
Repeat with the recommended number of reps and sets. It is important that you practice proper biomechanics while doing this exercise. Proper form and execution is more important, so make sure that you raise and lower the barbell slowly and smoothly. Do not use jerking motions or use momentum to drive your exercise. If this is your first time to do stiff-legged deadlifts, do not push yourself by lowering the barbell any more than you can do. With time, patience, and training, you will be able to see the results and gradually increase the distance that you can lower the barbell. It is best that you use a different exercise for training your legs if performing this exercise always results to pain.
Article By Jared Moore of the P90X Equipment Gear Shop, find all the Insanity Workout tips here.