Monday, October 5, 2009

Hanging Out and Hanging On

The follies which a man regrets most in his life are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity. ~Helen Rowland

Today has been a pretty good day. My mood has been pretty positive and compliments given to me throughout the day really makes all my hard work and effort worth it. Classmates commented I was "getting ripped", guys at the gym said my arms were getting cut and someone at the grocery store when I was buying my sweet potatoes for carb meal night said, "I don't know how you do it." Opportunities pass us by everyday as we flow through our circles of life. This just happened to be a great time in mine to take hold and achieve a great goal. I haven't very many, finish college, get my education degree, earn my masters, start a family, compete in another show (maybe). Just the typical things everyone does. But this one opportunity to show I can achieve the best physique I have ever had will be one of the ones I am most proud of. It has taken many hours at the gym (when there were days that I really wanted to avoid it) and tons of sacrafice when it comes to food and going out to dinner for social time. It's best to eat at home on the diets we live off of. Too many restaurants don't have healthy menus.

As these next couple of weeks pass by I will be focusing alot on the future, my dieting habits, my workouts. I haven't come up with a plan yet for post-competition, a little too soon for that. I don't want to rush all the excitement I prepared so long for.

Tonight I had my carb load meal. I love eating everything fresh so I make a trip to the grocery store to get sweet potato, asparagus or zucchini and a fresh banana. I douse everything with cinnamon and splenda. It's so good. I look forward to carb load nights on Monday and Thursday. I am really bloated right now though. Feel like my bellies gonna burst.

So, tonight I'm just hanging out. Probably read some other blogs or visit some fitness/figure websites to see what more I can learn. Seriously, there is always something new happening in the figure world and I've found some new websites. Reading helps keep me motivated. I have pictures on my fridge too of figure girls. Gosh, their gorgeous!


cougar bait said...

what up sis? it's you're favorite brother. i got you're text the other day and figured i would check it out. hearing about all this workin out has got me feeling guilty caus i haven't worked out regularly in like a month. just been surfin but that is a workout within itself. what date is the competition, like the end of october or something? dude those chicks in the picture are tan as hell, those are some skimpy suits, they could probably kick my ass and i'll bet their buns are very firm...awesome.
u like my screen name? pretty awesome huh.

Dana said...

I'm so excited you visited. You are going to be amazed when I show you some pics but you have to wait until the show. If you're coming? If not I'll definitely have lots of photos to show you. I think Erica and Keith are coming for it. Big show day October 24, four days before your b-day! I have lots of good links for diet and nutrition. You look good, you don't need to worry about it! Now I'm as "ripped" as you. Ha!

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